みなさん!今日は少し歌の勉強します!最初の歌はYuiの「Laugh Away」。その歌は2008にリオの一番好きな歌でした!今聞いて、たくさん昔の思い出が戻てあります。そのときについて懐かしい感じています。そのときには僕はひどい仕事をあって、その歌は悲しいときに幸せになてくれました。:)
Someone took the little video clip I had found for it when I wrote this and unfortunately I can't find a replacement so this little video will have to do. The trees are beautiful, aren't they!
自転車を漕ぎ続けた to continue pedalling / to peddle on*
上り坂 uphill
駆け上げる to run up (駆ける-to run)
追い越せる to let overtake (追い越す- to overtake)
情熱 passions, enthusiasm
逃す to miss
伸ばす to stretch (to reach out your hand: 手を伸ばす)
ちっぽけな tiny, puny, measly悩んでいる to be troubled, to worry
咲き誇る桜 cherry trees in full bloom
花びら petal
負ける to lose, be defeated
そう yes (on its own: ie. そう、笑って)
そっと softly, easily (on its own: ie. そっと、笑って)
丘 hill
息を切らす to gasp for air
見下ろす to look down
見上がる to look up
屋根 roof
溢れる to overflow
零す to spill
目の前に in front of one's eyes
広がる to spread, unfold
景色 view, scenery, landscape
落ち込む to feel down, to feel sad
寝続ける to continue sleeping
読み続ける to continue reading
After making this vocab list, it helps me so much when I look back at the song lyrics! It helps to see how the sentences are put together and also helps to focus on the grammar used in the lyrics, for example I came across several grammatical patterns that I had not come across for ages and had almost forgotten! I will now try and study the list and re-listen to the song afterwards! :)
If there are any errors, please tell me! I'm unsure about how I've written and translated 見下ろす and 見上げる.
kenn san! 本当にありがとうね!:)