
About Deva (the evil little cat):

Deva, meaning God in Indian mythology and devil in Zoroastrianism, is a very small yet powerful cat who tries ever so hard to make me feel like an idiot, whispering negative comments into my ear saying I'm hopeless at Japanese and that I will never improve. Instead of encouraging me to try hard with my studies, he tells me to play computer games to neglect my Japanese. When I do improve, he congratulates me, but soon enough he's at it again with all the negative comments.

I have a love/hate relationship with Deva. His nasty comments, as upsetting as they sometimes can be, sometimes encourage me to fight him and show him that I can improve!

I hope one day my Japanese is so good that he will retire and stay by my side as a friend.



「デバ」は、インドの神話に「神」の意味で、ゾロアスター教に「悪魔」の意味です。 「デバ」は小さくて強力的なネコです。彼はいつも僕の耳に「涼さんの日本語が下手です」と「涼さんの日本語は決して改善しませんよ」と囁いているによる、僕はバカになる感じをいつも作っています。僕の勉強を奨励することのかわりに、彼は僕に「コンピュータゲームを遊べ!」と「日本語の勉強をおろそかしよう」と言います。僕の日本語を少し欲に成りますのは、祝福しますけど、彼はすぐに十分なネガコメントを言います。


A big thanks to Catwings for her awesome drawing!