Wednesday, 24 April 2013

To vlog or not to vlog, that is the question!

I've recently been wondering if I should start up my own vlog. Like, everybody's doing it, hello?? The trouble is, I have several concerns regarding vlogging. It was hard enough starting up this blog last year!

So, here are my concerns:

1) I don't want people I know (of the flesh and bones kind) to see me on Youtube.

I would HATE it if my friends found out I was vlogging. I would feel embarrassed - no matter how unsuccessful or successful it was. I am quite private about my interests in some respects and to think they could be watching me would put me off completely and I wouldn't feel so free. I don't know if that makes sense, but this little "koalaleo" cyber profile I have created here is a much more confident version of myself. If people know I blogged or vlogged, I would become paranoid about what they would be thinking. Dahh... damn world. I did think about vlogging in costume. I could do that! It wouldn't be so nice in summer, but it might attract a lot of viewers! 

2) I don't know what I would vlog about.

I really can't think of what I would actually say. I could vlog exactly the same way that I blog on this site (I sometimes wonder if it's too unspecific to be interesting).

3) I don't think I am ready to try speaking Japanese on camera.

I could do as Mikaera and others have been doing, but I really think my Japanese needs more work. I can just imagine trying to talk about something and then having an hour of footage to edit with an end result that only goes for like 2 minutes. I do wonder if it would do my Japanese some good. Perhaps chatting away on camera might fight off my nerves about speaking foreign languages in front of others. I might gain some confidence! 

Well, there you have it. What is your opinion! Should Ryou vlog or not? :)

Tuesday, 23 April 2013





Monday, 22 April 2013


In order to practice my katakana, I decided to look up some Japanese fast food websites. Naturally all of the menus were chockablock with katakana words! If you need some practice, I strongly recommend checking some out, and I'll post some Japanese fast food websites at the bottom of this post. 

My reason for this post is to do with Japanese sound symbolism / onomatopoeia words. Several of the menu items had a sound word in either its title or description, and I suddenly realised I simply must study some before I (if I... fingers crossed) go to Japan this year.

Thinking about it, I only know sound words related to food - and even then, they don't seem to appear in the dictionary or on any of the lists I have found.

- コロコロ (which one of my friends taught me when I ordered takoyaki for the first time in my life, and WHAT a day that was. A day that changed my life and my after-uni / after-cityday snack for the next 8 years!)

- しゃぶしゃぶ (the sound of the meat being swished around and cooked in the hot pot).

So, as I said a second ago I have found a list of words and I have also found a whole side of Japanese linguistics that I hadn't really come across before. (Thank you wikipedia). I have just discovered the following:

Giseigo 擬声語 / Giongo 擬音語 - words mimicking sounds made by living things (giseigo), and words mimicking sounds made by non-living things (giongo). 

Gitaigo 擬態語 - words mimicking non-auditory senses.

Gijougo 議場後 - words describing physical or psychological states. 

On the fast food sites, I came across フワフワ for to express 'light / fluffy'. I also found さくさ, meaning 'crispy / crunchy'. After looking them up, I realised the value of knowing these words, whereas before I had disregarded them somewhat. 

If anyone has any advice on a good way of studying sound words, please let me know! XD

Ok, here's a list of fast food sites for those wanting to practice their katakana. 

1) ロッテリ (Lotteria)
2) ビアードパパ (Beard Papa)
3) ここフランス (CocoFrans)
4) モスバーガー (MosBurger)

Sunday, 21 April 2013







材料 (4−6人分)

鶏肉    1.5キロ
油     大さじ3
ニンニク  2片
タマネギ  2個
生姜    少し
タイム   1枝
ウコン   2つまみ
トマト   3個
塩     あなたの好みに



このレシピは「Cuisine Réunionaise」から来ます。この皿が好きだったら、もっと美味しいレシピのために、そのサイトを行ってくださいね!

英語の弁当/English Bento Box: 新卒一括採用 (job hunting in Japan)

英語の弁当/English Bento Box: 新卒一括採用 (job hunting in Japan): I've often pondered the fact that the day after high school graduation occurs, the graduates all dye and style their hair in the funkies...




Saturday, 20 April 2013


マイボスマイヒーローを見て終わったばかりだ。涙! 涙! 涙!最後のエピソードの中にずっと泣いてる。:)涼は、悲しいとか幸せな映画とビデオを見ながら、普通にしくしく泣いて、しかしこの番組は泣かなそうだと思ってた。でも僕、間違ったよね!



Thursday, 18 April 2013










I just found these two really cool blogs - one by a girl who did an exchange program to Germany and Japan another vlog about Korean culture etc. 

Firstly the one about korean culture is called Sweet and Tasty. It is really well done and all by one person taking on different comical characters. My favourite is the aegyo girl and 'Taekwondo'. It talks about various aspects of Korean culture, as well as giving a few lessons on the Korean language and about particular words often mentioned in the Kpop scene. If you haven't heard of them yet, you should check out Simon & Martina from Eat Your Kimchi. They also vlog about Korean culture and Kpop, and I absolutely love their stuff.

The second blog I found yesterday is by Vy and called I think in comicsI was particularly interested in the one from Vy's travels in Germany and Japan. I am not so into comics and manga, but found Vy's comics very entertaining and fun to read. My, it must have taken her so much time to draw all those up!

Finally, I had a proper look at tofugu - a Japanese language and culture blog in English. If you're interested in learning Japanese, I had a brief look at their language course intro and it looked really good. One thing that really got me interested was their kanji learning strategy which involves learning kanji from the radicals rather than learning kanji the way most textbooks deliver them which is comparable to the way Japanese students learn kanji at schools. It also encourages the student to focus not so much on being able to write the kanji, but rather being able to recognise them. When I was learning at university, I spent hours and hours writing and re-writing kanji in order to memorise them. I was able to memorise the beginner and intermediate kanji lists, but it only took one year for me to forget about 50% of what I had learned. All that time re-writing them could have been put to better use. ACTUALLY, come to think of it, I DID need to know how to write it as we had dictation tests! Ergh, so if you aren't studying Japanese at university, perhaps try focusing on recognising the kanji rather than being able to write them. After all, everyone uses Japanese text input. The time you save can be put towards flashcards! So, if you are in need of a japanese learning resource, try textfugu

Oh, and in case you want to study hiragana and katakana, here is a good resource I found from the textfugu site: realkana.

My heavens, that makes two english updates in two days! How awful. I must write in Japanese next time!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Well, it has been about a week or two since I've posted anything on the blog. Deva has really been on my mind and I haven't been to inspired to study. In case you are new to this and don't know who Deva is, you should click on his name. Perhaps Deva visits you from time to time as well! 

I have been doing some study, however. I was watching My Boss My Hero and came across some words that I thought were quite useful so I wrote them down. A moment later, my mind was coming up with tonnes of useful words that I could add to the list. So, I have this wonderful list of words that I have been trying to learn. It isn't too lengthy a list, but I think I might be able to learn them quite easily as they are words that I find really interesting. (My heavens, Deva is making me doubt my sentences in English... no wonder I get down about studying Japanese!)

So, I've almost finished my bag of marshmallows (WHITE ones only), and feel slightly ill. Why do I do this to myself......

Anyway, I will study my list, and with help from Anki! I have had Anki on my computer for a while but haven't got on with it so well. I find the interface a little bland and uninspiring. Nevertheless, I will try to use Anki with my list. 

Ohhh I feel ill. Note to self: try NOT to eat 125g of marshmallows in the space of 10 minutes. 

I don't really know what else to say. I'll report back when I've learnt the list of words. I might even try to use them in a post! 

Speaking of posts, I have disappointed myself. I had planned a few months ago to research something from Japanese culture and then write about it here. Unfortunately I haven't been focused enough, nor had enough time, so I might come back to that project in a month or so. :) 

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


今晩のマイボスマイヒロのエピソードを見ながら、新しくて便利な言葉を習った。その実、今晩のエピソードは僕に新しい勉強方法を教えた。その方法で一番便利と良く使う言葉のリスとを作って、勉強します。 最近は小さい語彙があるので、日記を書く事と、日本語で話してみることは難しい。だから、あきらめる。面白くて便利な言葉のリストを作れば、その問題は全然再発しない。



Wednesday, 3 April 2013


