Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Formal or informal?


Everyone who studies Japanese at uni learns formal Japanese and I remember being frustrated when I came across something written in informal Japanese because it was so different from the form of Japanese I had been studying.

Since university, I've been trying to learn and practice informal Japanese and I recently bought two books - Dirty Japanese and Making Out In Japanese II, (I already have book I). Ignoring all the vulgar expressions in the two books, it is interesting to see how informal Japanese is put together, and I have been using those books to try and understand it a little more than I do.

So, when I write to people, I know I should be writing in polite language, but I feel I want to practice informal Japanese. Sometimes, in films, there seems to be a fine line between the use of both forms. I had thought that if one was chatting away to ones friends, です wouldn't be used, but in a film I saw recently the character used informal language and then threw in a です as if to place emphasis on what he had just said. 

I am yet to find anything in a book or on the net explaining this, but I think I should try and practice informal Japanese. I just worry that if I focus on informal Japanese, I might forget certain aspects of formal Japanese. When I visited Japan recently, I remember practicing informal with my friend, but then accidentally using it to a shop assistant. I understand that one can use informal language, but I felt bad and a little impolite.

Deva, the little evil cat, keeps telling me that I should never have attempted to write yesterday's post in Japanese. He has been shouting at me and telling me that I am hopeless and can't speak Japanese at all. I can defeat him! I can! 

Here's some ウルフルズ for you to enjoy!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


WARNING: The following blog contains Japanese that may very well make no sense whatsoever. Please forgive 涼 for his shoddy Japanese.



今日、新しいLang-8の友達は僕に日本音楽をおすすめします。宇多田 ヒカル (Utada Hikaru)や椎名林檎(Sheena Ringo)や木村カエラ(Kaela Kimura)をおすすめしました。僕はもう宇多田ヒカルを知ってて、彼女の「Goodbye Happiness」の名前歌を知らなかった。美しい曲ですね!ここで、聞こえますよ:

このブログ、英語の翻訳を必要ですか? 添削があるなら、コメントを書いてください!涼は次のブログをもう一度日本語で書けば、どうでしょうか?多分英語だけで書ければなりませんね。



Sunday, 26 February 2012

Post No.1!

僕のブログにようこそ!I'd like to write my entire blog in Japanese, but I just started trying to write it and there are too many things I am unsure of when writing, so I will use both English and Japanese. I guess I should be a bit more brave, but I don't want to write things that don't make any sense. Despite my years of learning Japanese, I still find it difficult to put a sentence together. Deva, a little evil cat at the back of my head, tells me that what I'm writing is ungrammatical or a whole lot of nonsense! Damn him! You can meet him HERE if you like. Please tell him to leave 涼 alone! Hopefully, with help from this language learning journal, I will defeat him and he will leave me alone for good!

So, here is a list of words that I have been trying to learn for the last month. The trouble with making a vocabulary list is that it is easier said than done. I have a programme called J.E. Dict which, at first, I thought was a great computer dictionary. Sometimes it is ok, but mostly when I type in an English word and hunt for the Japanese word, I really have to hunt for it. The programme comes back with over fifty or so results, and with some words, I can work out which ones aren't the word I'm wanting to use, but with most of them, I wouldn't have the slightest idea which one to use. I'm sure some of the words must be archaic or slang, and I know that English also has a lot of words to express one idea, but I really need to find myself a simpler dictionary - but not too simple!

For the following list, if there is a translation that is more frequently used rather than one I have written below, please tell me! Apologies for the lousy attempt at putting these into columns...

中華街                          ちゅうかがい       chinatown (n)

言語                                  げんご                  language (n)
外国語         がいこくご       foreign language (n)
以来                                  いらい                     since, henceforth
興味                                  きょうみ           interest (in something) (n)
羨ましい        うらやましい   envious, jealous
有用な                               ゆうような      useful, helpful
役立つ          やくだつ    to be useful, helpful
語学学習         ごがくがくしゅ    language study, language learning (n)
修理           しゅうり       repairing, mending (n)
冷蔵庫          れいぞうこ      refrigerator (n)
訳ない          わけない             easy, simple, "there's no way..."
恋に落ちる        こいにおちる     to fall in love
危ない          あぶない    dangerous, risky, hazardous

Some of those words are quite simple, and I was happy that as I was typing them out, I could remember most of them! YAY!

Well, thank you for reading! I will leave you with a song that I really like at the moment by バンプオブチキン! またね!


Well, I've been studying Japanese on and off since 2005 and have decided to start a blog about my learning and also where I can post links, photos and youtube videos of things I find interesting and that help me learn about Japanese and the Japanese culture.

I might even try to post some things in Japanese depending upon how brave I'm feeling at the time! I hope it is interesting!

Here's the first video clip of a song I like. I will try and find one for each post I write! I hope you like them and my sometimes strange taste in music! (ha, I know you'll love them!)
